Saturday, May 21, 2016

Kathylyn M. Beck v. Joseph G. Chao, -Albuquerque's Corrupt Legal Establishment

  "Through all the drama- whether damned or not- Love guilds the scene, and women guide the plot".    The Rivals (1775) Epilogue.



The reader may stumble onto the above- listed reference when searching for Kathylyn M. Beck.  This was the beginning of the saga initiated by Plaintiff Beck, who at the time was an experienced para-legal with some 14 years' experience in  fairly large law firms and other legal entities,  from New York City,  to Vernal, Utah, to  Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Despite the absence  of any sort of  degrees or certificates in psychology  or psychiatry at the time, or since,  plaintiff Kathylyn M. Beck put together a supremely interesting set of legal documents, making all sorts of vile and false allegations encouraged  by Albuquerque Police Department officer Robbin Burge,  in order to strengthen a misdemeanor trespassing case officer Burge and encouraged plantiff Beck to file.  Her attorney,  Joyce Gentry, openly suggested in Court that "the whole thing will go away" if respondent Chao were to pay a sum of money to Ms. Gentry and plaintiff Beck!    Officer Robbin Burge would later be involved in breaking into the wrong home during a drug raid,  and according to a narrative by the victims of the ordeal,  abusing an 80 year old grandmother to the point the elderly woman  required a trip to the emergency room.  (Albuquerque Tribune,  July 16, 2004, page A1).  Officer Robbin Burge  would later be named as  one of two (2) prime suspects in the Albuquerque Police Evidence Room Looting, which went on for years, and during which over $75,000. in cash, drugs, firearms, jewelry, gold coins, and even evidence against fellow officers accused of crimes was taken according to the Albuquerque Journal,  and then Albuquerque Police Chief Ray Schultz.   The other suspect in the looting  took a polygraph and passed it.  Officer Burge declined to take a polygraph.  (Albuquerque Journal, Page A1, March 2, 2006).   Plaintiff Beck's other enabler,  Judge Gerald Reuhen Cole,  murdered his wife, Nancy, an elementary school teacher, and then committed suicide.   (Albuquerque Journal,  August 14, 2005, page A1)

 Find the story of the crooked, murderous, cocaine-using Judge Gerald Reuhen Cole, a personal friend of  plaintiff Beck's former boss,  attorney Schlenker of the firm Miller, Stratvert, Torgerson & Schlenker  personally put in an appearence in plaintiff's Beck case in order to guarantee the crooked and murderous Judge Gerald Reuhen Cole would grant plaintiff Beck's  ridiculous petition.  See the story of  how Judge Cole murdered his wife and committed suicide below.   






 ROTFLMAO!!!   "...disciplined harshly"   - Chief Ray  "I see nothing,  I say nothing, I do nothing"  Schultz  and  "heads will roll!"  the Evil Alcalde Martin Joseph Chavez.  The only thing that rolled were the eyes of Albuquerque taxpayers when the only Police Officers to be punished were TWO INNOCENT HEROES,  Captain Marie "Sisi" Miranda, and Sergeant Cynthia Orr,   who were the ones who broke the story and  informed then Chief Gil Gallegos that the Evidence Room was being looted!  Not one of the Officers who DID the looting was ever fired, much less charged or disciplined.  The outcomes to both of these stories are unknown as the Albuquerque media obligingly never follows up these stories of felonies committed by Albuquerque P.D. Officers,  or District Attorneys and Judges for that matter.

Another one of the Judges involved in this story had to step down after he was named as the man who raped a prostitute after she had refused to perform a certain sex act for the malignant troll.   (Judge Allen S.  Pat  "Muff"  Murdoch)  



 This story directly relates to

the story of  Kathylyn Mary  Beck aka Kathylyn Mary  Brunkhorst-Beck nee Kathylyn Mary Brunkhorst and  Shawne Deylon Riley aka  Shawne Deylon Granere  aka  Shawne Deylon Peterson  aka Shawne Deylon Archuleta  aka  Shawne Deylon Gillespie  aka Shawne Deylon Crozier, of Albuquerque, New Mexico,  introducing in  Court photos stolen from Sweet Entertainment Group with partly covered faces and claiming they were of  Kathylyn Mary Beck and Joseph Chao, and that he had posted them on in order to humiliate, harass, and embarass Beck.  The crooked Special Commissioner, Rosemary A. Cosgrove-Aguilar and Judge Angela Juzang Jewell disregarded evidence,  legal precedents, and common sense to grant plaintiff Beck a two year restraining order against respondent Chao.

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